New update from the Andersen´s



Hello dear friends

First off we want to say that wherever in the world you are right now we hope you are well. We also want to encourage you to take a minute and think of 3 things you are grateful for or 3 things that make you smile.

Are you smiling now? Good… practicing gratefulness can turn our lives around!
3 things we are very grateful for:

1. YOU – cheesy yes… but very true! We are so grateful for each one of you reading our newsletters, replying with encouraging words and the prayers you pray! We really couldn’t be doing what we get to do each day without such an incredible group of people around us, so thank you, truly.

2. Norway has officially taken away all corona restrictions. We are grateful for this however long it may last 😉

3. Our new place!! Every morning I (Laura) just feel so blessed to have a kitchen and to be able to be in another room other than my bedroom. It brings me a lot of joy to have our own space! Gøran obviously also loves it… I’m just here more than him 😉


DTS 2021/22 has startttteeeddd!!!! 

We are already into our second week of the school. It started on the 17th September and we had some great start up days with lots of getting to know each other, games, good food and worship! It’s already such an incredible atmosphere in worship, people are just going for it and giving the glory to He who is Worthy!!!
Our first week of lectures was The Gospel with Geir Fagerbakke and now we have his amazing wife Elin Fagerbakke sharing on the Father heart of God!!

So recap:
33 students
11 full time staff
5 part time staff
1 incredible mentor team
3 school leaders
12 weeks of amazing lectures

= An awesome fall! We are so excited!


I was driving Laura to an appointment last week and while waiting for her I had some little jobs to do. While doing them I got ask 4 different people in different locations if I could pray for them as they all needed some sort of physical healing. The first person said no. The next two people allowed me to pray for them but they sadly did not get healed in that moment.
The last person who I got to pray for had his foot run over by a forklift and had a lot of pain up the side of his body because of it. He allowed me to pray for him and he was COMPLETELY HEALED!!

Now its easy to ask why only the 4th person got healed and the others didn’t, that’s where I choose to trust God and His goodness. It’s important that we do not allow what we don’t experience stop us from going after what the bible says is possible! We need to keep stepping out, cause who knows.. maybe it’ll be your fourth person who gets healed… or the 5th, or 20th… but I do know we are called to step out and show His love to the people around us, in whatever way Holy Spirit leads us in.


Some photos of life lately


– Unity and love on the school
– Laura’s healing
– Wisdom and grace to lead and love wellThank you so much for standing with us. We love you and are so grateful for you.
Please let us know if there are things we can be standing in prayer with you for <3
Our mailing address is:

Månedshilsen fra Spania, September

Barnas dag og engelskundervisning i Bolivia

Månedshilsen fra Spania, Juni

Update from the Andersen’s

» He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
– Mark 16:15-18

Hi Betania, we hope you are doing well and that you feel full of hope and joy in the middle of this pandemic. We want to thank you for taking the time to read our newsletters and for joining this journey with us!

Just a couple of updates:
Laura and I:
As you may be aware, Laura has been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and is pretty much bedridden all the time. However during the last few weeks we actually feel like she is doing a little better, so that’s really encouraging!
We are still living here at the base but we are planning to move somewhere else here on the Island. We think it would be very good for us as a couple and especially for Laura’s health to have a place of our own.

The DTS: We finished our DTS in the end of February and then had a couple of weeks with the staff doing evaluation, teaching and some trips.

Corona made it really hard for us to run a normal DTS, but God was so faithful in not letting us loose our drive and passion. The outreach was meant to be all over Norway, but we ended up working mostly in Kristiansand. Despite this, the whole staff group and all the students really loved their time here this winter, and everyone was so happy they weren’t sent home. We did what we could do with the corona restrictions and God used all our teams to minister his kingdom around in different churches.

This spring: We are now working on planning the next DTS for this fall 2021, we have accepted 25 students so far and we are hoping for many more to come. If you or anyone you know would like to do a DTS or just want to know more please just send us an email or check out our bases website (linked below)

Fresh news: We are so happy to announce that there is a new DTS starting up in January 2022 here at Skjærgårdsheimen. We have experienced an increase of both students and staff, so from now on we will run two DTS’ a year. You can find all the info on our website 🙂 🙂

Healing testimony of «When Holy Spirit points out a man»

A couple of weeks ago as I was planning on going into city center to share the gospel and pray for people, God directed me to another place in my city called «Slettheia». In prayer I felt I was to go to a park and meet a man who needed an encounter with God.
I end up in a park at Slettheia where at first I couldn’t see any man, but I started walking and suddenly there was a whole family and an older man who was probably the grandpa. He was walking crooked with a walking stick and I immediately felt I should pray for him. But as I walked past them I struggled with not wanting to be
an «inconvenience» while they were having a nice family time, haha. After walking a bit thinking about approaching them again, I turned around and suddenly the grandpa was walking towards me. I went up to him and asked how he was doing and what had happened to his leg. His problem was that his knee and hip had been hurting for over 27 years and it had gotten worse as he got older.
I shared how I believe in Jesus and that He can heal. He also said he believed in Jesus. I asked if he had ever experienced any healing before, and he said «not in my body, but in other people bodies». So I asked if he had prayed about his own injury, and he said that God had told him that He would send someone to him one day.
I then asked If I could place my hand on his knee and pray for him, he answered «yes», but as I was about to put my hand on his knee, he said «hold on a second, you are aware that if you place your hand on me in this way, you will take part in my sins because of what Paul says in the bible that we shouldn’t be to quick to lay our hands on people». So I stood up and said to him «Paul is not talking about taking part in other people’s sins, the context of these verses in the book of Timothy is about not being to quick in ordaining people to ministry and leadership who is not ready for that»
He responded: «oh, okey, so it doesn’t mean sin?» «no» I said. Then he was fine with me touching his leg 🙂
So I simply commanded the pain to leave and the leg to be healed in Jesus name, and asked if he could now check his leg. I saw how his face started to brighten up and when he started to walk without the cane, he got so moved and expressed in great wonder «woow, it is waay better».
I prayed a second time as he still felt a little pain, and again he was perplexed saying it got even better!
We came to his car and I prayed one last time for him and as I prayed I felt to share these words with him: «If you now start to walk without the cane and train up your leg again, you will walk normally». He responded with being amazed and thanked me for my great faith.
Isn’t Jesus AMAZING!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Prayer requests:

– Laura to be healed from ME/CFS.
– For God to call more students to our schools.
– That we would find the perfect home for us

We pray God will touch you as you read this newsletter and if you are in need of any healing, We pray right now in Jesus Name, be healed of all infirmity, pain and sickness!


Familien Svendsen, Mathjelp til Sri Lanka

Familien Svendsen i Norge, mars 2021

Månedshilsen for januar 2021 – Borghild og Eddie

Nyhetsbrev julen 2020 Brasil

Advents- og julehilsen fra Spania – desember 2020