Blå Kors Kristiansand inviterer til konsert med Øyvind Elgenes i Betania Kristiansand, hvor overskuddet i sin helhet er øremerket hjelpeaktivitet for barn og unge i byen som lever i fattigdom.
Øyvind Elgenes, bedre kjent som ELG i Dance With a Stranger, fikk en mektig oppsving etter deltakelse i TV2 suksessen «Hver Gang Vi Møtes». ELG har gjennom flere ti-år bergtatt sitt publikum med sin fantastiske stemme og sterke formidlingsevne.
Vi lover flott musikk fra Øyvind Elg, der vi samtidig fokuserer på mulighetene, håpet og kraften som får mennesker med håpløse erfaringer til å endre kurs og en ny retning i livet. Visjonen «Med hjerte, kunnskap og kraft skaper Blå Kors mulighet for mestring og mening» vil være rammen for det som formidles denne kvelden.
Dessverre viser statistikken at 1 av 10 i regionen vår sliter med rus, noe som tilsvarer at to til tre barn i hver skoleklasse går hjem til rus daglig. I tillegg vet vi at omlag halvparten av rusavhengige pasienter faller tilbake til et liv i aktiv rus etter endt behandling.
Denne kvelden vil vi i Blå Kors fokusere på det positive – varmen, omsorgen og tryggheten – som skaper muligheter for mestring og mening for den enkelte. Mange trenger hjelp, og ved å kjøpe billett er du med på å støtte arbeidet.
Tusen takk til alle dere som er med oss, og hjertelig velkommen til en musikalsk og meningsfull konsertaften i Betania.
Update from the Andersen’s
/i Nyheter /av Betania Kristiansand
Hello friends
It’s start up time!! Summer holidays are over and we are back into it!We are currently in the middle of staff training, a crucial part of our Discipleship Training Schools. The school itself doesn’t start until the 23rd September but we have 6 weeks of training for our staff prior to that. The staff are the ones who are going to be working closest with the students so it’s incredibly important we establish a culture of honour, family, learn to live out our values and get our hearts/spirits unified before the school starts! It’s a really fun time of getting to know each other more and to build relationships and trust between our staff.
And we currently have 37 students enrolled for this next school and some in process! Exciting!This is the 3rd DTS that we’re going lead and we’ve started to get more and more vision and understanding of what God is doing in our time. More than ever I (Gøran) really believe in the work we’re apart of as I am seeing something that I rarely see other places – young and old coming together as family under the common goal of getting to know God and making him known in the world. The decrease of Christianity in the west is not much more than lack of discipleship, and we as a DTS are coming together for 6 months to just go after God like never before, to believe for His presence to show up more and more with healings, signs and wonders and for His goodness to be more evident in our midst.
We have heard many prophetic words about a new wave of missionaries being sent out to the unreached people groups of the world (which is 42% of the worlds population) and they are people who have never heard the Gospel before!
This is something we want to be apart of through our schools, sending teams out to the nations and maybe even some people being called to stay long-term!
It’s so fun to partner with God in this way to help see the nations discipled and reached!We also traveled to Ålesund for 1 week for the Northern Europe staff training (every 2nd year most of the bases in Northern Europe have teaching and training together in preparation for our DTS’s).
It was a special to connect with the other bases, encourage one another and to get our hearts ready for all that God is going to do in this next season! We’ll add some pics down below!
And we currently have 37 students enrolled for this next school and some in process! Exciting!This is the 3rd DTS that we’re going lead and we’ve started to get more and more vision and understanding of what God is doing in our time. More than ever I (Gøran) really believe in the work we’re apart of as I am seeing something that I rarely see other places – young and old coming together as family under the common goal of getting to know God and making him known in the world. The decrease of Christianity in the west is not much more than lack of discipleship, and we as a DTS are coming together for 6 months to just go after God like never before, to believe for His presence to show up more and more with healings, signs and wonders and for His goodness to be more evident in our midst.
We have heard many prophetic words about a new wave of missionaries being sent out to the unreached people groups of the world (which is 42% of the worlds population) and they are people who have never heard the Gospel before!
This is something we want to be apart of through our schools, sending teams out to the nations and maybe even some people being called to stay long-term!
It’s so fun to partner with God in this way to help see the nations discipled and reached!We also traveled to Ålesund for 1 week for the Northern Europe staff training (every 2nd year most of the bases in Northern Europe have teaching and training together in preparation for our DTS’s).
It was a special to connect with the other bases, encourage one another and to get our hearts ready for all that God is going to do in this next season! We’ll add some pics down below!
As I have written before, I (Laura) have been doing better in terms of health so I’m hoping to start going to the base a few days a week and to join in on teaching/worship. It’s really a time of trial and error for me right now as I try to learn what my capacity is at the moment.
But I am EXTREMELY grateful for the extra energy I do have and for the ability to join in on more things and to see friends/family more often! That is a huge blessing and I try to remind myself of that when the days are a little rough! God is always so so good and I have SO much hope for the days ahead!

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